“Beyond the Pasta” Trailer~

Below is the latest trailer for my book Beyond the Pasta: Recipes, Language & Life with an Italian Family.

RELEASE DATE: September 1, 2010 by Gemelli Press, LLC.

The finishing touches are being done and soon this two year process from first keystroke to published book will be complete. Stupefacente!

When I started writing this book, I said that my only objective was to be able to have one copy published to give to the Stefani family as a tribute to their ability to accept strangers into their home and share their Italian language, culture, cuisine, and themselves with the world.  And now it seems that my dream is coming true.

Soon this blog is going to become an expanded website with many features. One of the features that I am most excited about sharing with you will be an area called “The Italian Pantry.”  There you’ll be able to download shopping lists for the recipes in the book, check out the “Top 10 Italian Stock Items” to keep on hand, recipes, photos, videos of Nonna, and much more!

If you haven’t signed up on my e-mail list to receive the latest news about when the new site will be launching, please take a moment to visit “Beyond the Pasta.”

Thank you for your interest in my blog and I can’t wait to share my Italian experiences with you in my book!

Ciao e a presto~
